
A London office for Expol

A new London office for Expol as the company moves into its 12th year of trading.

It’s in the heart of the City in Cannon Street. Demands on the company from clients and other professional organisations, based in and around the capital, brought forward Expol’s expansion plans. The company says it has always taken a steady approach to strategic growth in terms of staff and facilities but business development in 2016 has been exceptional and the feeling between the directors is that the time is right to expand.

Expol was formed in 2005 by former Manx detective chief inspector David Bell and he was soon joined by his colleague, detective inspector Rob Kinrade. The company has grown steadily from its early beginnings and, in its present form, is split into three quite distinct areas – corporate risk consultancy and forensic investigation; pre-employment screening and the provision of specialist training courses.

David Bell said, ‘We have been considering a London office for quite some time now, together with a presence in the North West, as we have numerous clients in Manchester and London.

‘Our global client base has increased so has the demand on us to hold conferences and meetings off island. We travel on a very regular basis to London as only so much can be done by other forms of media and sometimes you just have to sit around a table’.

Mr Bell added: ‘Our business reach and expertise now is such that we continually have enquiries on the go around the world. ‘Overseas clients expect you to have a London base and they want to meet you there. The United Kingdom capital remains a hub for business and it is a natural progression for us to have a London office for Expol’.

Co-director, Rob Kinrade said:

‘I travel regularly to meet with clients in London and in many ways we have outgrown the meetings rooms used previously. ‘We have always enjoyed the facilities offered by others but now is the time to have our own address. ‘We conduct a great deal of global due diligence and having the facilities to meet with clients and discuss their needs and expectations is precisely what we need’.

He continued:

‘When we started looking at addresses we knew we wanted to have an office in the heart of the City and Cannon Street is ideal. ‘The facilities are superb, ideal for meetings, conferences, courses and, of course, a retreat to work from when we are in London. ‘The opportunities are immense and we intend to drive forward now with our business, hold our training courses in London and look to expand our presence there. ‘This is no short term measure. ‘Our plans, as we look forward, include an address in the North West and one abroad which we are working on as we speak’.


The directors of Expol can be contacted on 61190, 0203 790 9165 or